These tutorials will show you how to run Gallium Data on your own machine in just a few minutes, and you'll get a sense of what Gallium Data does, and how it does it.
Everything is done using Docker, so nothing needs to be installed.
Other tutorials
This more advanced tutorial shows you how to create a filter that records all SQL queries to a Redis database, and another filter that rejects queries that are not recognized.
This allows you to "tighten up" a system to make sure that no unexpected queries are sent to the database.
Quick tutorial using Gallium Data as a DNS proxy to block and redirect DNS lookups.
The DNS connector can be useful to redirect existing database clients to a proxy without making any changes to the clients.
Tutorial using Gallium Data as a proxy for a REST service.
SQL Server has a feature called data classification that allows you to mark certain columns as special, but that has no effect unless the database client takes it into effect. This tutorial shows you how to use Gallium Data to enforce data classification even for clients that don't support that feature.
We can easily record requests as they come from database clients, and then, once we have captured all possible requests, lock down the system and reject any unknown queries.
Gallium Data can help you encrypt/decrypt data if your database does not do it the way you need it.
Gallium Data can send metrics about database activity to a monitoring service like New Relic.
Gallium Data can automatically encrypt and decrypt data in Redis, without affecting the clients.
Keeping two databases in sync -- with many caveats
How to hide parts of your database from some users