Row batch
The Row Batch pseudo-token is used to batch rows from a result set before they get presented to filters. This type is only used for result set batch filters.
It is simply a list of Row or NBCRow tokens.
numberOfRows (int): the number of rows in this batch
rows: a list of Row or NBCRow tokens
In JavaScript, a Row Batch can be iterated over, e.g.:
for (let row of context.packet) {"Row: " + row);
void addRow(object row) : adds the specified row to the end of the batch
void insertRow(object row, int index) : inserts the given row at the given position
void insertRowBefore(object row, object rowBefore) : inserts the given row before rowBefore. If rowBefore is not found in the batch, nothing happens.
void insertRowAfter(object row, object rowAfter) : inserts the given row after rowAfter. If rowAfter is not found in the batch, nothing happens.
void removeRow(object row) : removes the given row from the batch. If the row is not found in the batch, nothing happens.
void removeRow(int idx) : removes the row at the given index, which must be between 0 and numberOfRows.
Hide a row
for (const row of context.packet) {
if (row.customer_country === "FR" || row.customer_country === "DE") {
Clone and insert a row
for (const row of context.packet) {
if (row.customer_name === "Jones") {
const clone = row.clone();
clone.customer_name += " (copy)";
context.packet.insertRowAfter(clone, row);