EnvChange token
The server sends an EnvChange token when something has changed in the environment, for instance a new database has been selected, or the default language has been changed.
For full documentation, see the Microsoft documentation.
byte tokenType: the type code for this token (0xE3).
String tokenTypeName: the name corresponding to this token's type ("EnvChange").
byte changeType: the type of change. See the Microsoft documentation for details.
String changeTypeName: the name of the type of change.
Object oldValue: depending on the type of change, can be a string, a number or null.
Object newValue: depending on the type of change, can be a string, a number or null.
For type=20 (Routing), the following additional properties are available:
byte protocol: the protocol to use (normally 0 for TCP/IP).
int protocolProperty: a property whose meaning depends on the protocol.
String alternateServer: a name whose meaning depends on the protocol.