Done token
This packet is sent by the server at the end of an in interaction, for instance at the end of a result set. Full documentation.
byte tokenType: the type code for this token (0xFD).
String tokenTypeName: the name corresponding to this token's type ("Done").
boolean doneFinal: if set, this is the final Done packet in the request
boolean doneMore: if set, this is not the final done in the request, additional data may follow.
boolean doneError: if set, an error occurred while executing the SQL statement.
boolean doneInXact: if set, a transaction is in progress.
boolean doneCount: if set, the rowCount is valid.
boolean doneAttn: if set, this message is a server acknowledgement of a client's Attention message.
boolean doneSrvError: if set, an error occurred while executing the SQL statement and the result set should be discarded.
int curCmd: the ID of the current SQL command. It would be very unusual to change this value.
long rowCount: the number of rows affected by the current SQL command.