ColumnMetadata object
A ColumnMetadata object contains all the information known about a column in a row.
Full documentation for the meaning of these properties is available in the Microsoft docs.
string columnName: the name of the column, as specified in the select statement (i.e. this will be column alias if there is one)
string tableName: the name of the table containing this column. Caution: this is usually null, as SQL Server rarely returns that information
int userType: the user type, normally 0 unless this is a user-defined data type
boolean fNullable: true if the column is nullable
boolean fCaseSen: true if the column is case-sensitive
byte usUpdateable: 0 if the column is read-only, 1 if it's read/write, and 2 if it's unknown
boolean fIdentity: true if the column is an identity column
boolean fComputed: true if the column is computed, as opposed to stored in the database
boolean fFixedLenCLRType: true if the column has a common language runtime user-defined type
boolean fSparseColumnSet: true if this column is the special XML column column in a sparse column set
boolean fEncrypted: true if the column value is encrypted, and therefore needs to be decrypted by the client
boolean fHidden: true if the column is part of a hidden primary key created to support a select statement for browse
boolean fKey: true if the column is part of the primary key and the select statement is for browse
boolean fNullableUnknown: true if it's unknown whether the column is nullable or not
TypeInfo typeInfo: the TypeInfo for the column
CryptoMetadata cryptoMetadata: if this column is encrypted, the information about the encryption (see below for details)
CryptoMetadata object
Full documentation is available in the Microsoft docs.
int userType: the user type, if relevant
TypeInfo baseTypeInfo: the base type info
byte encryptionAlgorithm: the algorithm used for this column. 0 means custom algorithm, 1 is AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA512, 2 is AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA256
string algorithmName: the name of the algorithm in use for this column
byte encryptionAlgorithmType: a value of 1 indicates a deterministic algorithm, 2 indicates randomized encryption
byte normVersion: the normalization version to which plaintext data must be normalized (1-based)