OK packet

An OK packet can be sent by either the client or the server to acknowledge the end of an exchange and indicate that everything is OK.


  • int sequenceId: the sequence ID for the packet.

  • String packetType: always "OK" - read-only.

  • int numAffectedRows: how many rows were affected by whatever happened before

  • long lastInsertId: the ID of the last insert

  • int statusFlags: the meaning of these flags is available in the MySQL documentation.

  • int numWarnings: the number of warnings from whatever happened before

  • String info: an informational string, if present

  • Object systemVariables: any system variables that have changed

  • String schemaName: the schema name

  • String trackStateChange: the human-readable state info


  • void setStatusFlag(int) : sets the status flag at the specified position. For instance, setStatusFlag(4) is equivalent to statusFlags |= 0x10

  • void clearStatusFlag(int): clears the status flag at the specified position. For instance, clearStatusFlag(4) is equivalent to statusFlags &= 0xFFEF