
A HandshakeV10 packet is the first packet exchanged after a connection to the database is open. It sent by the server to inform the client about the supported protocols and authentication methods.


  • int sequenceId: the sequence ID for the packet.

  • String packetType(): always "HandshakeV10" - read-only.

  • int capabilityFlags: the server's capabilities. The meaning of these flags is described in the MySQL documentation.

  • int statusFlags: the meaning of these flags is described in the MySQL documentation.

  • int protocolVersion: the protocol version supported by the server. This is normally 10.

  • String serverVersion: the version of the server, e.g. "5.6.28"

  • int connectionId: the connection ID

  • byte[] authPluginDataPart1: the first part of the authentication data

  • byte characterSet: the default character set for the server. The meaning of this code is available in the MySQL documentation.

  • byte[] authPluginDataPart2: the rest of the authentication data, if any

  • String authPluginName: the name of the security plugin used by the server