ColumnDefinition packet

A ColumnDefinition packet describes a column, either as defined in the database, or as defined in a result set.


  • int sequenceId: the sequence ID for the packet.

  • String packetType: always "ColumnDefinition" - read-only

  • String catalog: the name of the catalog for the column

  • String schema: the name of the schema

  • String table: the name of the table

  • String realTable: the name of the physical table. If the table is aliased, this will be the "real" name.

  • String virtualColumnName: the "virtual" name of the column. If the column is aliased, this will be the alias.

  • String physicalColumnName: the physical name of the column. If the column is aliased, this will be the "real" name of the column.

  • int characterSet: the code for the character set used by this column. The full list is available in the MySQL documentation.

  • String characterSetName: the name for the character set used by this column. Read-only: use characterSet to change it.

  • Charset javaCharacterSet: the Java Charset that best matches this column's character set. This covers most but not all of the common encodings. If the encoding is not supported by Java, this returns UTF-8 by default. Read-only: use characterSet to change it.

  • int columnSize: the size of the column

  • int columnType: the data type of the column. The full list is available in the MySQL documentation.

  • String columnTypeName: gets the name of the data type of the column. Read-only: use columnType to change it.

  • int flags: the flags for the column. The meaning of these flags is explained in the MySQL documentation.

  • int decimals: the number of decimals for floating-point types