Deploying Java filters

If you have downloaded the sample project and unzipped it, there is a script that compiles the Java filters and builds the Docker image.

If you're interested in how this works, look in the directory called docker, which contains a Dockerfile that builds a Docker image that includes your Java filter(s).

The Dockerfile looks like:

FROM galliumdata/gallium-data-engine:1.7.1-1468

LABEL com.galliumdata.docker.version="Gallium Data 1.7.1-1468 with Java filter"

COPY --chown=galliumdata:galliumdata java-filter-test-1.jar /galliumdata/jars/

ADD repo.tar /galliumdata/metarepo/filter_types/

USER root

RUN chown -R galliumdata:galliumdata /galliumdata/metarepo

As you can see, the Dockerfile starts from a standard Gallium Data image, and simply adds two things:

You may also choose to include a predefined repository in this image -- see the documentation on that for details.

Once the Docker image is built, you can run it like any other Gallium Data image.