Several filters in the HTTP connector use JSON paths. This page explains what they are, and gives useful pointers.

What is a JSON path?

A JSON path is a textual expression that specifies one or more parts of a JSON document declaratively, much like XPath for XML.

In some Gallium Data filters, a JSON payload is available to your code as a JavaScript object, which is easy to read and modify using JavaScript code. However, sometimes, you may want to query a JSON document without writing procedural code.

If a JSON payload is:


"name": "Mary Smith",

"address": {

"street": "123 Main St",

"city": "Cleveland, OH",

"country": "USA"


"akas": ["J. Smith", "Mary Jane Smith", "M Jane", "MJ"]


then the following expressions would return:



"street": "123 Main St",

"city": "Cleveland, OH",

"country": "USA"



"Cleveland, OH"


"M Jane"

$.akas[?(@ =~ /.*Jane.*/)]


"Mary Jane Smith",

"M Jane"


Gallium Data uses the excellent JsonPath library to evaluate JSON paths. See that documentation for a complete description of all operators and functions.

Useful links

JSON Path examples: a number of examples

JSON Path evaluator: an online evaluator, useful to explore and debug JSON paths