Request logger - HTTP

This filter logs HTTP requests according to its parameter settings. It can log to a file, to a logger, or to standard output.

All parameters are optional.


URL pattern

Optional. Can be either a string or a regular expression. The URL(s) for which to log requests. If left blank, then all URLs will qualify.

Examples: /rest/customers regex:/rest/customers/[0-9]+


Optional. One or more HTTP methods, separated by commas, such as GET, POST, PUT, etc... If this is specified, then only those requests that use one of the specified methods will be logged. If this is left blank, then all requests will qualify.


Client IPs

Optional. One or more IP address, either literal or as a regular expression, separated by commas or newlines.

Examples:, regex:12.34.56.\d{1,3} 2600:1701:6440:69f0:57:9a9c:d277:8321

Header patterns

Optional. One or more name:value pairs that should match one of the HTTP headers in the request. If there is more than one, they must be separated by commas or newlines.

The name is a case-insensitive string, and the value can be either a (case-insensitive) string or a regular expression.

Examples: Content-type: application/json Accept-encoding: regex:g?zip.*

Content pattern

Optional. A regular expression that must be matched by the request's body (if present). This only works for text bodies -- if the request contains binary data, the behavior is unspecified.

Examples: <customer>Amanda Jones<customer> "price": ?\d{1,8}\.\d{2}

File name

Optional. If specified, the output for this logging filter is written to the specified file. Keep in mind that Gallium Data runs as a Docker container, and therefore the file name is from the perspective of the Docker container.

Example: /gallium_logs/CustomerRequests.txt

Use timestamp

Optional. If checked, and a file name is specified, a timestamp will be added to the file name before the file extension.

Logger name

Optional. If specified, the output for this logging filter is written to the specified logger, as configured in the log4j configuration file. If the specified logger does not exist, it will be created on the fly.

Example: acme.requests


Optional. The format of the logging messages. This is a string that can contain the following markers:

  • $ts : replaced by a timestamp like 22-11-04 15:07:59.078

  • $method: replaced by the HTTP method of the request, e.g. POST, PUT, etc...

  • $url: replaced by the URL of the request, without the protocol, host or port.

  • $ip: replaced by the client's IP address

  • $payload: replaced by the payload in the request, if present. You can control how much of the payload is logged using the Max payload parameter (see below)

If left blank, the default will be used, which is: $ts [$method $url] $payload

Max payload

Optional. The maximum number of characters in the payload to output to the log. If left blank, the default is 100.


Optional. A regular expression that all logging messages must satisfy to be written out. If this is specified, any logging messages that do not satisfy this regular expression will be silently dropped.