HTTP connector

This connector acts as a proxy between HTTP clients and servers. It supports only HTTP 1.0 and 1.1 at this point. It may support HTTP/2 at some point in the future.

Using filters, you can monitor and modify the HTTP requests and responses.

Although this connector will work with any HTTP requests and responses, it is meant mostly for REST using JSON. However, it fully supports non-JSON bodies (as shown here).

Related pages

HTTP filters: shows all the filter types for HTTP

HTTP objects: describes a few special object types used in HTTP filters


This connector takes the following parameters:

Connection name

Required. Can be any name you want.


If checked, then this connection will be active any time Gallium Data is running, meaning that the local port will be open and listening for requests. If you uncheck this (and then click Publish), then the connection is "commented out" -- it's as if it didn't exist, but you can still keep it around and re-activate it later.


The type of this connection, which is always "HTTP". This is set when you create the connection and cannot be changed afterwards.

Server address

Required. The name or address of the HTTP server. This can be a partial name (like restserver), a full name (like, an IP4 address (like or an IP6 address if your network supports IP6 (e.g. 266a:1790:2920:69e0:35c:d8ac:da8e:15e0).

If you are running Gallium Data as a Docker container, and the HTTP server is on the host machine, you can use host.docker.internal (on Windows or Mac, but see here for Linux).

Server port

Required. The port on the HTTP host. It is usually 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS, but not necessarily.

Use HTTPS with server

If this option is selected, the connection to the HTTPS server will be made using HTTPS instead of plain HTTP.

Trust server certificate

Whether to accept the HTTP server's SSL certificate at face value, or not.

If this parameter is false, and Use HTTPS with server is selected, then the HTTP server's certificate will be verified, either by being signed by a well-known certificate authority, or by verifying it with the chain of certificates provided in the project's Trust entry. If verification fails, the connection to the HTTP server will fail.

If this parameter is true, and Use HTTPS with server is selected, then the HTTP server's SSL certificate will be accepted without verification. This is typically useful when the server uses a self-signed certificate, but for production systems, most people prefer to verify the certificate.

Local address

The address on which to listen for requests. This should be the name or address of the machine on which Gallium Data is running.

Local port

Required. The port number (in the Docker container) on which Gallium Data will be listening to requests from HTTP clients. This can typically be set to any value, and mapped to the desired port using Docker.

Use HTTPS with clients

If this option is selected, the local port will expect clients to connect using HTTPS, and plain HTTP connections will fail.