ResultRows packet (Cassandra)
This packet is sent by the server in response to the execution of a query or prepared statement. It contains some metadata, and the rows in the result set.
flagResultSetGlobalTableSpec (boolean): true if all the names use the same keyspace and table name
flagHasMorePages (boolean): if true, there are more row in this result set in following packets
keyspaceName (string): if flagResultSetGlobalTableSpec is true, the keyspace name for this result set
tableName (string): if flagResultSetGlobalTableSpec is true, thetable name for this result set
columnSpecs (list<ColumnSpec>): the definitions of the columns in this result setÂ
rows (list<ResultRow>): the rows in this result set
void addRow(ResultRow): add a new row to this result set
ColumnSpec getColumnSpecByName(string): returns the given column description, if present