Admin app
The admin app is a convenient way to edit the repository. It works by connecting to a Gallium Data server using the REST port, if it is enabled. Note that, in production, you will typically disable the REST port to avoid any surprises.
On login, the admin app downloads the repository as a zip file. When you click the Publish button, the admin app pushes the repository back to the server as a zip file. Note that this is a simple HTTP POST, and that advanced users can do this programmatically.
Configuring the admin app
When you start a Gallium Data server, you can specify several options that affect the admin app, such as rest-port. These options are documented in the Configuration page (they all start with "rest-").
Logging in
To log in, you simply open a web browser and point it to the server running Gallium Data, with a URL of:
if you have enabled the SSL REST port.
If the Gallium Data server's REST port is open, it will prompt you to log in. If you enabled the rest-password option on the server, you will first be prompted to login. The user is always admin, and the password is whatever you specified when you started up the Gallium Data server.
You will be prompted for the URL of the repository, the pre-filled default is normally sufficient.
The Repository area of the admin app deals with the configuration of the Gallium Data server.
Everything in the repository is organized into projects. Each project contains its own connections and filters, and there is normally no cross-talk between projects (though that is not impossible if really necessary).
A repository can be exported to a zip file, or imported from a zip file, by using the hamburger menu.
A project can be exported to a zip file by using the Download this project button in the project's Properties tab. A project can be imported from a zip file by using the hamburger menu.
A project may need to have a private key, a certificate and possibly a CA certificate if it uses encryption. The key and certificates can be entered in the Crypto area of the project.
The Status page shows the status of the active connections across all projects. This allows you to see which connections are active, and how much traffic they have seen since Gallium Data started.
The Server page shows a lot of details about the Gallium Data server. This information is normally used mostly for debugging.
The Logs page shows the logs as they could be seen on the server itself, up to the specified number of messages, which can be changed. The more messages you keep, the more information, but also the more memory you use.
The Settings sub-tab allows you to change the logging levels on the server for each logger. This is not persistent: when the Gallium Data server is restarted, the logging levels will be reset to their default settings, as specified (usually) in the file.
As of release 1.8.3, you can download the log as a file by using the Download button.
If the server has the backup option enabled, then a backup of the repository is taken every time you publish.
The Backups page shows what backups are available, if any.
Any backup can be restored at any time. This restored backup will not take effect until it is published, at which point the old state of the repository will of course be backed up.
The Libraries page allows you to specify Java and JavaScript libraries that should be available from your filter code.
The Libraries tab shows which libraries are currently installed in the repository.
The Find tab allows you to search for additional libraries.
The libraries subsystem uses Maven to retrieve Java libraries and their dependencies. See the Java libraries page for additional information.
It also uses npm (via the jnpm Java library) to retrieve and install JavaScript libraries and their dependencies. See the JavaScript libraries page for additional information.
The About page shows you the version of the client and the server, as well as the latest version available.